Monday 5 March 2012

West Island Way (unplanned change of venue) Saturday March 10th 2012

Distance approx 4miles
Acsent 350m
Time : 2hrs

The Slackers were forced into an uplanned venue change on Saturday...

The Follower (John McKellar) failed a late fitness test and called off Injured , leaving 90Rocks and BLT to plough a lone furrow, with approx 6 weeks to the start of the West Highland Way , the team have some grave concerns about The Followers ability to achieve his goal of back to back West Highland Way walks..

It was decided to go to Balmaha and climb Conic Hill as part of the training, Conic Hill is an excellent starter Hill and good for building stamina,however it was exteremly busy with a party of school kids and a ramblers club climbing the Hill at the same time. however we managed to push on, on what was a pretty muddy path to the summit.

Busy Path on Way up

BLT and 90Rocks on summit

Very Busy and very windy Summit

Great views of Loch Lomond on ascent

The Oak tree Inn in Balmaha provided the required post walk Guinness



  1. Roll on Saturday...been laid up with 'man flu' for the past week so I've gained a few :-)
    Back to my slim physique early next week !

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. BLT what can I say ! Commissioned my own personal Physio in an attempt to get my fitness to the required level...Conic hill - looks great. Brings back memories. Did I mention I've already tic'd off the WHW and next month's trek will seem like a "walk in the park" to'll realise this when you qualify :-) Boots are polished and new Bridgedale socks laid out for use as I type. See you lads on Saturday.
