Wednesday 2 May 2012

West Highland Way - Days 6 and 7 (The final countdown)

Day 6 – Kingshouse to Kinlochleven
Miles 9

Accommodation: Forest View B&B *** (would recommend)  

After the best breakfast of the week at The Kingshouse (the Climbers takes some beating) served by the most delightful old lady , we set off on our shortest days walking, the devils stair case is a daunting prospect but to be honest after a great nights sleep at the Kingshouse it proved to be easier than anticipated

                                        The Slackers at the Top of the Devils Staircase

We stopped at the top to enjoy the views, and on our descent we enjoyed a dram of Glenlivet and enjoyed the views of the Blackwater reservoir.

                              Dram over Blackwater reservoir

Another Dram over Blackwater reservoir

The decent into Kinlochleven seems to take forever, given you can see the town not long after you start your descent. After about 2hrs walking downhill we arrived at our B&B Forest View which was a lovely setup and only 5mins walk from the pub.

Day 7- Kinlochleven to Fort Bill
Miles 14

Accommodation Ben Nevis Hotel (leisure resort ** (tired and well out of town)

After a nice breakfast at Forest View served by our host “Big Paddy” we set off on our final leg of the hike.

Having had a few beers in the Tailrace Inn the previous night we were not looking forward to the climb out of Kinlochleven , none the less in true Slackers fashion we made it up there and with fewer stops than on the previous year.

The last part of the hike is through Lairig Mor is my personal favourite with great views on the way out and on the way in to Fort Bill

                               Boys with Aonach Eagach ridge in Background

The Pap of Glencoe from Path from Kinlochleven

Stob Bhan from path beyond Lairig Mor

Before long we found ourselves on our final descent, the walk in  allows great views of Ben Nevis and the surrounding valleys

Charlie and Bob enjoy views of Ben Nevis from WHW path

It wasn’t long before we were at the end of the road 7 days after starting off from Milngavie we had come to the end. All the preparation had been worth it.

No injuries no blisters of any note, and only a couple of stumbles (but not whilst hiking)  J

All in All a wonderful trip not sure what we are going to do now, but im sure we will come up with something soon , need something to help satisfy the wanderlust..

                         The Slackers at the End of the Road

Bye for now "The Slackers"

Tuesday 1 May 2012

West Highland Way Diary days 3-5

Day 3 – Rowardennan to Inverannan

Miles 13
Accomadation Bienglass Lodges **** (Luxury would recommend)

We couldn’t wait to get out of the Hostel and on our way to the next stop at Inverannan, although this was to prove the toughest section of the route.

After about 10 minutes walking we met Julie and Eileen again for the final time on this walk , they where cracking on to Crainlarich which really was a tough section,

Girls if you are reading we would be interested to know how you got on with that leg ?

                                             Julie and Eileen on the move 

We stopped for Lunch at the Inversnaid Hotel (again meeting the Forfar team) trend developing ??

                                        Charlie and John Invershnaid :-)

Inversnaid Hotel ferry

The path round the loch after Inversnaid proved to be a killer part of the walk, really tough and really tricky when wet,  it proved to be a pretty exhausting day one which saw us  nearly lose a man into the loch, however we trudged on and by the time we reached the hills above Ardlui , the sun was out again.

                                     Loch Lomond from hills opposite Ardlui 
                                   Wild Goats on Loch Lomond

Chaz at
Rob Roys cave (allegedly)

Day 4 – Inverannan to Tyndrum
Miles 12

Accomadation : By The Way Hostel *** (clean but v small rooms)

After an excellent breakfast at Bienglas we set off on the walk to Tyndrum.

I felt this was the easiest section of the walk pretty uneventful until you reach the small Strathfillan settlement, here at the Wigwams trading post, we had a coffee and a bacon roll.

The rooms at the Hostel are clean but quite small for adults they have an excellent communal area and great self catering facilities.

Here we met mother and son Colin and Janice for the first time,transpires that they were on a similar schedule to ourselves .
                                        Colin and Janice..

Dinner was at Paddy,s Bar in Tyndrum which was a short walk from the Hostel.

Day 5 – Tyndrum to Kingshouse (Glencoe)
Miles 18

Accommodation: Kings House Hotel Glencoe **** (Best Breakfast all week)

We were met at Tyndrum by Slacker No4 (Bobby) who would join us for the walk to Fort William and after grabbing breakfast at the service station at the Green Welly, we were on our way.

The weather for this part was the worst we experienced all week heavy rain and cold winds made for a difficult section..
                                           Enroute to Bridge of Orchy

We reached Bridge of Orchy Hotel for Lunch around 12:00, the rain having stopped just as we arrived.

After a nice lunch we headed out towards Glencoe via Rannoch Moor although dry it was extremely windy, this slowed us down a bit and also made taking a break more difficult
                                        Gates at start of Rannoch Moor

Black Mount from Rannoch Moor

The boyz at the Buachaille Glencoe

White Corries (Glen Coe Ski Centre) from Kingshouse

We arrived at the Kingshouse around 5pm tired and weather beaten and ready for a few beers in the hotel bar

Monday 30 April 2012

The Slackers West Highland Way Diary Day 1 and 2

Day 1 – Milngavie to Drymen
Miles: 12
Accommodation : Ashbank B&B

Star Rating **** (would recommend)

As myself and Charlie had only done 3 legs of the WHW last year to John,s 6 legs (end to end)  , we thought we had  better get the whole thing done this year to get rid of “The Slackers tag” that has been associated with us all year.

We started our walk on a lovely Sunday Morning, the initial walk out of Milngavie isn’t to impressive , but it soon opens up to some better looking surroundings, at approx 12:30 we arrived at the Glengoyne Distillery, where we enjoyed a few free samples of the local produce.

                                         Slackers at Milngavie start of the way

Left the the Distillery and walked about ½ mile to the Beech Tree Inn for our first pint of Guinness  not bad we had walked about 6 miles so needed a pint.

After leaving the pub the shone broke through and the afternoon stroll was indeed very pleasant next stop was at Gartness, a pretty little hamlet with a high bridge over Endrick Water, where they had an  honesty shop outside one of the houses.

                                                  Honesty Shop at Gartness

From here the walk into Drymen is pretty straight forward, we reached Drymen in good time and our B&B accommodation was fantastic.
                                                           The Follower

Whilst sitting at the Pub in Drymen enjoying the evening sun, we met for the first time (but certainly not he last) the team from Forfar aka the Forfar Bridies,this team of ladies (and George) have our utmost respect for getting to the end. Well Done !!!

We would share some fun times with the Forfar Bridies enroute but alas I never got a picture of them on the trail as they were too fast for us, so if you read this send me a pic for the blogJ

Day 2 – Drymen to Rowardennan
Miles 14

Accommadation – Rowardennan Youth Hostel

Star Rating * (Turkish Jail Cell)

Lovely morning for leaving Drymen, although rain was forecast for later in the Day, had a fantastic breakfast at the B&B, over which we met Julie and Eileen (the borders beauties :-) ) two nurses from the Borders , we walked together for the fisrt part of the walk out of Drymen towards Garadhban Forest, here we parted company as the girls were machine like when it came to walking (not Slackers like us).

                                          Julie and Eileen


We made our way towards Connich Hill a steep wee climb but with some fantastic views of Loch Lomond worth the climb..

                                           Loch lomond from Connich hIll

As we were descending into Balmaha for lunch at the Oaktree Inn, we met John and Christine Gillan,who were out for an afternoon stroll, Christine had worked at Golden Casket in Greenock for many years, was nice to meet you.... btw we made it J

                                          John and Christine on Connich Hill             
After Lunch we made our way out of Balmaha past the Marina enroute to Rowardennan.

                                         Balmaha Marina Loch Lomond

Before long we had reach the shoreline path round towards Millorochy Bay on the east side of loch Lomond, where not long after these pictures where taken it started to rain ..heavily

Shore line East side Loch Lomond

Before long we had arrived in the forest path near to our Hostel,
                                          Charlie and John on Approach to Rowardennan

The Hostel itself from the outside is magnificent and set in magnificent surroundings too , however inside it wasn’t the best, more like a Turkish jail cell.

The cooked (uncooked) breakfast was the worst we ever had shockingly bad and at £80 for 4 excl Breakfast not good value…so long fairwell never again.

Dinner at the Hotel was good (steak pie and we were starving) and again we met the Forfar team and Juile and Eileen all pretty wiped out after a hard days walking.

Sunday 29 April 2012

We are Back - Job Done - Fait Accomplis

We are back, and without a single blister. ooja

Delighted to have made it and met lots of lovely people on the way.

Given the amount of pictures it will take a day or so to post them all...check back soon for the full report.

In the meantime a small sample

                                The Slackers at the top of the Devils Staircase

10 miles to the Kings House from here Start of Rannoch Moor

                                      The Slackers official trip sponsor :-)