Tuesday 29 January 2013

Pucks Glen 27th January 2013

The Slackers Week 3 training program

Wasn’t sure if we would be walking today looking out early a.m it looked pretty grim and the forecast didn’t look like any improvement was on the cards.

Called the Lads they were up for it as they had all the wet weather gear.

Headed to McInroy,s point to catch the Ferry @ 10:30am, was dry but looked like rain wasn’t far away..

McInroy,s point Western ferry on a wet Sunday morning

Big Green "The Slackers" go in style


Arrived at Pucks Glen, (about 5 minutes drive from Ferry terminal in Sandbank) great news its dry.. so lets get started on the walk.
Start of the Track
The follower and 90 Rocks pick a route
Can never get lost in Pucks Glen
We decided to follow the Yellow intermediate route out to Pucks glen , which involved an initial semi- steep climb out and up into the upper forest.
Here we go
The follower and 90 start the climb
After walking for about 20mins we were joined by Basil (the lost dog)..
Basil in his bid fro Freedom
 Basil had made a bid for freedom from his owner who lived in Kilmun and had joined The Slackers for a brief part of the Journey before a quick phone call to the number on his tag saw him being reunited with Malcolm
BLT calls in a rescue
Basil is recaptured and re-united with Malcolm


After Basil left us there was an emptiness however we continued along the forest track for approx 2 miles and stopped for lunch at under the shelter of some tree,s

Lunch Al fresco
We started to make our way back to Pucks Glen, this time via the Waterfalls
by the end of the walk it looked like we had been swimming in the water falls , we were absolutely drenched.

BLT and 90 @ Pucks Glen
The Follower @ Pucks Glen

Soaked through we felt the need for a warm fire and some Beers, so we headed to the Coylet Bar on Loch Eck, they had both, this allowed the Follower to dry out his Cheenies as his “Millets” (no laffin please) waterproof trousers had leaked.
After a couple of beers it was time to head back to civilisation , all in all a great walk, the Waterfalls in Pucks Glen were in full flow with the amount of rain whilst not good to walk in the raging torrents made the walk all the more some fantastic .

Apres walk @ The Coylet

Just what was needed
Chaz and John enjoy a beer
BLT @ firplace
Loch Eck towards Dunoon
Loch Eck towards rest and be thankfull