Friday 24 February 2012

Team member No 3 "The Follower" aka John (Ian) McKellar, John is a WHW (tic 2011) veteran who has has seen action on Ben Lui (pictured) and Ben lomond in 2011,John was well on his way to a Quad of Munros in 2011 before his an unfortuante accident whilst mountain biking in the Himalaya,s (aka West Kilbride cycle path) where he sustained  a severely fractured clavicle with complications resulting in a very dangerous blood clot that nearly cost the follower his life..fortunately after a week in our local hospital (the IRH ) John has made a tremendous recovery and Im sure will Challenge "90Rocks" for No2 position in the coming year.

John is also the official photographer for the 2012 season, He is also a graduate of Glasgow UNI 2,1 honours in electrical engineering and is presently studying for his career encore' as a Web Developer...John is a valued team memeber.

Intro to Team member number 2

The Slackers Blog Welcomes team member No 2 "90Rocks" aka Charlie McCabe.

Charlie has proven his worth as a great wing man to BLT on their many sortees across the Hills and mountains of Scotland.. Once fully trained Charlie is expected to go on to be a lkely successor to the current BLT,although he has stong competition from team memeber No 3 (intro coming soon)

Wednesday 22 February 2012

BLT (aka) Denny McCabe and Hugo, (Hungarian Puli pup) on Ben Mhor trainning Walk via Glen Massen

Introduction to The Slackers Blog

Hi Ive created this blog to help track our progress, We will be walking the West Highland Way in April 2012 from Sunday 22nd April to Saturday 28th April, we are doing the route over 6 days staying in
Kings House (Glencoe)
Fort Bill.

We have a trainning schedule planned which began in ernest last week, so watch this space for the upcoming updates and pictures.